
Project idea and implementation stages

Project Idea:
The idea is an initiative of a group of young graduates who believe that graduates are an issue and that they have significant implications for the state and society and therefore to address them must be based on a deep and comprehensive vision. Graduates should be part of the solution, not part of the problem. Accordingly, the idea of ​​the project is to consider the issue of graduates as an issue of society in the first place and not the issue of a particular group or state. Accordingly, we look at the issue in a comprehensive way that goes beyond fragmentation and stereotyping and seeks to address it according to a vision and an objective and scientific approach.
Project goals
Project goals:
Preparation and qualification of graduates to enable them to compete in the labor market (public and private sectors)
Encourage graduates to participate actively in community service voluntarily
Contributes to creating platforms for graduates to reflect and consult on their issues and community issues and how to provide appropriate solutions to the problems facing them
Find the best ways to take care of the graduate from graduation to joining a job
Striving to lead initiatives to create jobs and create free jobs for qualified graduates
Promote effective cooperation and coordination with state agencies, the private sector and civil society
Implementation steps
Steps to implement the project:
Forming a project team
Recruitment and registration of volunteers
Invite partners
Promotion in the media
Field survey of graduates
Run the project
Project themes
The project consists of five main axes representing the most important ideas and practical issues that the project seeks to achieve as follows:
First: Alumni Database
It is a hub that aims to capture graduates at the state level in Sudan and provide their baseline data to help plan for the achievement of the project objectives.
Second: Preparation and qualification for graduates
It aims to prepare programs to raise and qualify the capabilities of graduates to enable them to compete in the labor market and succeed in their public life
Third: Graduates and community service
It is an axis related to the roles that the graduate can play towards society, serving and developing it.
Fourth: Alumni platforms
It is a pivot that works to create platforms through which alumni address their issues and the issues of their communities and find practical solutions.
Fifth: Alumni Initiatives
It is a pivot that aims to provide practical solutions and alternatives to graduate problems and can represent a real addition to society and help overcome the negative effects of unemployment and unemployment.
Challenges and expected results
Project Challenges:
The growing number of graduates
Lack of job opportunities and increasing numbers of unemployed
Lack of accurate data and information for graduates
The absence of a single central body that manages the graduates file
The negative social, economic, political and security effects of the high unemployment rate in the society
Expected results of the project:
Provide a reference database for graduates
Achieve better care for as many graduates as possible
Minimizing the negative effects of unemployment
Upgrading the terms and conditions of employment
Increase the participation of graduates in community service.

Project idea and implementation stages

Project Idea
The Civil Society Support Project aims to strengthen and empower the civil society represented by the Sudanese organizations working in different fields through training in the fields of building the self-capacities of the organizations and developing their performance, and then to form an effective network for these organizations to exchange experiences and strengthen points of convergence in common topics between them.
The project was funded by the Dutch Embassy in five states: Khartoum, Al-Jazeera, Sinnar, Blue Nile and White Nile. The EU continued to fund the project for two mandates, Gedaref and Kassala.
Donors and target states
an introduction  :
ü The project of supporting civil society aims at strengthening and empowering civil society represented by Sudanese organizations active in various fields through training in the fields of building the self-capacities of the organizations and developing their performance, then forming an effective network for these organizations to exchange experiences and strengthen points of convergence in common topics among them. . Donors and target mandates are indicated below
ü First: The Dutch Embassy in Khartoum:
The funding of the Dutch Embassy came to five states: Khartoum, Gezira, Sennar, Blue Nile and White Nile for one year from October 2013 - October 2014.
Activites: -
Activated state number
1 Al Jazeera different training courses and Iftar Ramadan and celebrations of the birth of the Prophet and a package of training workshops and forums and courses of success skills and participation in the elections of April 2015 and the participation of some organizations in its Cochin program
2 Khartoum Training courses for civil society organizations and workshops on community dialogue and meetings with leaders of political parties participating in the elections and various training courses and participation in the elections of April 2015 and the conduct of cultural evenings Cochin and skills of success workshops on drug control
3 White Nile Conduct training courses for civil society organizations Cochin and training observers in the April elections and participation and success skills
4 Blue Nile Training courses for civil society organizations and Cochin and training observers for the elections and courses in skills of success and participation of organizations in some programs
5 Sinnar training courses, Cochin programs, training of observers, participation in the April 2015 elections and participation in some programs of organizations and state celebrations
Second: The European Union (EU)
The EU funded two mandates, Gedaref and Kassala, for two years from December 2013 to December 2015.
Activites: -
1. A field survey of 76 organizations
2. Establish a voluntary regional unit
Training 53 civil society organizations in:
ü Success skills in a changing world
ü Management of organizations
ü Financing
ü Networking
4. Providing technical assistance to 10 civil society organizations
5. Participation in the electoral observation in 2015
6. The establishment of a forum entitled () in the two states
7. A workshop was held to develop and update the training material
8. Workshop writing and design projects
9. A forum on the concept of interest
Third: National Endowment for Democracy (NED)
The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) financed two mandates: the Nile River and the North for one year from May 2015 - May 2016
Activator: -
Two phases (organizations field survey + training)
1. Training courses for civil society organizations in each state
2. Participation of the Bank of Sudan in conducting training courses for organizations in the state (Nile River State)
Fourth: The Sudanese Center for Democracy and Development (SCDD)
The Red Sea State was funded with the support of the Sudanese Center for Democracy and Development from
Activator: -
Participation in the electoral monitoring in 2015
Forum entitled (The role of the organizations of the East in the development process)
Project Stages
Phase I - Field Survey
ü The field survey of the organizations started in October 2013 in Khartoum, Gezira, Sennar, Blue Nile and White Nile for the Embassy project.The field survey of the European Union states (Gedaref and Kassala) started in January 2014 and ended in May.The survey was conducted for the Red Sea State in October 2104 either North and River Nile in May And June 2015. The distribution of college organizations is distributed as follows
Number States Number of organizations
1 Island 43
2 Khartoum 46
Blue Nile
4 Sennar 34
White Nile
Gedaref 43
7 Kassala 33
Red Sea
9 Northern 30
Nile River
Total 352
Phase II: Training
• Two workshops were held to prepare trainers to conduct training in the wilayat of Al-Jazeera and Khartoum in early January 2014
• Two workshops were held to prepare the material at the center headquarters in the state of Al-Jazeera in February 2014 and another workshop to update and develop the training material in Khartoum State in May 2014.
• 4 training courses were provided to 242 civil society organizations in 10 states
1. Financing.
2. Networking and advocacy.
3. Peace-building
4. Management of organizations
The following table shows the number of organizations that participated in the training, field survey and training courses
the state
Number of participants in the training organizations
Success Skills in a Changing World History Organization Management Finance Peacebuilding Networking and Advocacy
Jazeera 108 8 - 10/2/2014
Khartoum 53 March 2014 34 29 30 34 46
Blue Nile 57 11-13 / 3/2014 36 32 31 33 36
Sennar 18 15-17 / 3/2014 28 18 21 22 34
White Nile 45 25-27 / 9/2014
Gedaref 18 15-17 / 6/2014
Kassala 25