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ترتب اللجنة العليا للاجتماع الدوري مع رؤساء المسارات ؤذلك يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 4مايو2021م في تمام الساعة 12 ظهرا بمقر المركز السوداني للديمقراطية والتنمية
... moreWithin the framework of cooperation with the Supreme Council for Human Development and Labor - Khartoum State, and within the community training, the Sudanese Center for Democracy and Development held a course entitled (Community Leadership) , on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 AD, presented by Dr. Omer El-Khair Ibrahim In the Sudanese Center Hall
... moreWithin the framework of cooperation with the Supreme Council for Human Development and Labor - Khartoum State, the Sudanese Center for Democracy and Development holds a workshop entitled (concepts of community and voluntary work) for a period of four days from 11 am to 3 pm starting from the tenth of December, presented by Dr. OmerEl-Khair and Professor Nizar Abu Sen in the hall Sudanese Center
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Among the activities and programs of the Sudanese Center for Democracy and Development held a workshop entitled democracy and the issues of the Sudanese revolution, which is presented by Dr. Omer El-Khair Ibrahim Al-Zaman Monday, the second of December 2019 Venue in the Great Center Hall at 12 noon
An-Najah Club in Khartoum State (East Nile) resumed its activities in November 2019